Meeting of the BYCC Management Committee
Held on Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 7.00pm in the Bembridge Youth and Community Centre lounge.
Present: Bill Bristow (Chairman) Carl Johnston (Treasurer), Tina Bishop (Secretary) Keith Cook, Bryan Jones.
Also present: Diane Portwine
- Apologies for absence
Josh Lake
- Approval of the minutes from the last meeting
Minutes approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
Carl Johnston has applied for a grant from the Isle of Wight Council in
connection with covid-19 monies from central government, The amount
could be £2,300.
With the price increases due in April 2022 for electric. Carl Johnston confirm
Our direct debit of £175.00 per month is fixed for two year.
- Events for 2022
Friday 11th March 2022 Stage Fright performing in the main hall 8.00pm
Thursday 2nd June 2022 Bembridge Street Fair afternoon bank holiday.
Diane Portwine informed the committee that two pitches have been booked
and we will hold our table tennis game.
Sunday 5th June 2022 The BYCC facilities will be available for any events
that are organised by the Bembridge Parish Council for the Queen’s
Platinum Jubilee in the Steyne Park.
Sunday 31st July 2022 Trail 5 Bryan Jones will be organising this event and
the main registration will be done on line this time. But registration can be
done on the day. Diane Portwine with Bryan Jones with confirm details nearer
the time.
Saturday 29th October 2022 Halloween Party in the main hall. Diane Portwine
to confirm details nearer the time.
Friday 4th November 2022 A discussion was held about holding the Fireworks
Night at the BYCC after a two year break due to covid-19. The general feeling is it
should take place, but it should be run by and for the BYCC only. Diane Portwine
will do costings for the event. Diane Portwine will contact Jubilee Fireworks and make
a booking to hold the date.
Soup Run 2022 Sunday 11th/18th December Bryan Jones to confirm the date and he will
be organising the event again. Bryan Jones and Diane Portwine to confirm the details
nearer the time.
Christmas 2022 at the BYCC. A discussion was held. It was decided to think about
what could be done at Christmas and will be discussed again at the next management
committee meeting.
- Any other business
Diane Portwine confirmed that new defibrillator pads had been received and given to Keith
Cook who oversees the defibrillator at the BYCC
- Date of the next meeting
To be advised