Meeting Minutes 22nd July 2021

BYCCMeeting Minutes


Meeting of the BYCC Management Committee

Held on Thursday 22nd July 2021 following the AGM in the Bembridge Youth and Community Centre lounge.

Present: Carl Johnston (Treasurer),Tina Bishop (Secretary) Keith Cook, Bryan Jones,  

Also present: DianePortwine

  1. Apologies for absence

Bill Bristow.  Ray Widger.  Josh Lake.

  • Approval of the minutes from the last meeting

Minutes approved.

  • Treasurer’s Report

see attached

  • Hall Floor

The hall floor is now complete. The Management Committee inspected the floor.

  • Covid update

Some classes are operating under the government covid guild lines.  This includes

childrens parties in the hall. The bar is now open on Friday evenings. Petanque

has been taking place since Wednesday 14th July 2021 and will finish on Wednesday

8th September 2021. Football will start again at the beginning of August with friendly matches.

The season starts September 2021. If the situation changes we will operator under the government

guild lines.

  • Events for 2021

We hope to hold our annual Halloween party Saturday 30th October 2021 and

Firework night Friday 5th November 2021. We will ask the Bembridge Parish Council to fund the cost of the fireworks £1,500.  The village partnership usually donates £500 towards the cost of the fireworks on behalf of the Bembridge Parish Council.   Keith Cook is on the partnership committee and will include the cost of the fireworks on the next agenda.  The management committee will  decide whether to hold the firework night on the result of the meeting.

If covid allows we will go ahead with the Soup Run, Christmas Quiz and Father Christmas Grotto

in December 2021.

  •  Any other business

Keith Cook informed the Management Committee that the defibrillator in the front entrance

was in working order, but will need new pads, as they have use by dates.  Due to the cost of the pads Keith would liaise with Tina Bishop (who works at St Mary’s hospital) and will ask if the

pads cost less if purchased at the hospital.

The Bembridge Sailing Club have nominated Bembridge Youth & Community Centre their

Charity of the year. Which they kindly carried over from 2020.

Bill Bristow, Tina Bishop and Diane Portwine will do a presentation about the Bembridge Youth

& Community Centre at the Bembridge Sailing Club on Wednesday 28th July 2021 which is a

Fund raising event.

  • Date of the next meeting

To be advised