BYCCMeeting Minutes

Extraordinary meeting of the BYCC Management Committee

Held on Thursday 5th July 2018 at Bembridge Youth and Community Centre from 7:30pm

Present: Bill Bristow (Chairman), Bryony Davies (Vice Chairman), Carl Johnston (Treasurer), Diane Portwine (Secretary), Tina Bishop, Sally Pigot, Keith Cook, Bryan Jones and Steve Warburton.

Also present: Sarah Portwine

  1. Apologies for absence

Michael Murwill, Sheila Weedall and Richard Weaver

  1. Proposed sponsorship of Bembridge Football Club

Bill Bristow – the spend of BFC over the last few years has justified the sponsorship from BYCC, they bring in other teams and sponsoring a kit is a form of promotion for the community centre so agreed to £600 sponsorship.

Diane Portwine – Agrees the BYCC should sponsor BFC £600 for the 2018/19 season.

Sally Pigot – Agrees the BYCC should sponsor BFC £600.

Bryony Davies – would like to sponsor BFC but is concerned about the financial implications, do we want to take the money from the reserves as there was a loss of £700 last year and believes there is likely to be a loss this year.

Tina Bishop – on the fence, would like to sponsor but unsure about using money from reserves.

Steve Warburton – not against sponsorship just want to make sure that this level of sponsorship can be maintained annually, is this affordable?

Keith Cook – BFC and BYCC have a mutually supportive relationship and kit sponsorship is promotion for the centre. Want to be sure it is affordable for the BYCC.

Bryan Jones – if the BYCC can do it we should do it. Should try and get BFC more involved in our events as well.

Carl Johnston – BFC are one of our main contributors and one of the key things we do. Wage increase has affected the bar but the BYCC is busy.

Committee voted

RESOLVED: The BYCC will sponsor BFC £600 for 2018/19 season reserves kit.

  1. Bembridge Summer Festival

Bembridge Summer Festival showed a profit of £1978.58, figures were circulated by Sarah Portwine. Next year the date could be moved to the weekend before (Saturday 22nd June) as the IOW Festival is moving back to the middle weekend in June and this will mean no clash with Mardi Gras either.

  1. Music Festival

Due to time constraints Sarah Portwine requested that the proposed music festival planned for 25th May 2019 be postponed until the following year.

RESOLVED: Music Festival will be planned for 2020.

  1. MUGA

Sarah Portwine showed the committee a land registry document showing a boundary line through the centre of the MUGA, this means half the MUGA is Parish Council land and the other half is IOW Council land. The Parish Council clerk is applying for the freehold to the whole area but this will cause a delay with the MUGA project. Sarah Portwine will inform Brian Sewell of the delay (his late wife gifted £10,000 to the project) as she has agreed to keep him informed of the progress with the MUGA.

  1. Any other business

Tina Bishop – will the BYCC be open for the World Cup game on Saturday at 3pm (England v Sweden)? This was discussed as there has also been a request on the Bembridge Community Noticeboard Facebook page to have a large screen in the park to show the football. Unfortunately the cost and availability of a big screen makes this idea unfeasible. It was agreed that due to all the pubs in the village showing the game it would not generate enough people to justify opening.

Keith Cook – Sue Whitmarsh, the organiser of a Nordic walking group in the village, is happy to donate a prize for any raffle at the centre.

Bryan Jones – would like to organise a walking event in the village, this would be good for families to get involved in. Start and finish at the centre with refreshments afterwards. Need marshals for the run on 29th July, most committee members are available for this.

Bryony Davies – only a few petanque team members are available for this date. Worth asking the other team if they are available.

Sarah Portwine – at the AGM the committee agreed to decrease meetings to 4 per year and make more decisions via email, does the committee wish to change this?

A discussion was had about the viability of this as certain financial decisions need to be discussed in a meeting. It was proposed to have a meeting every 2 months. If the manager is spending over £200 outside of the normal running costs the committee should agree this at a meeting unless it is an urgent spend, for example bar equipment needing to be replaced, and this can be done over email.

RESOLVED: The BYCC management committee will hold a meeting every two months.

RESOLVED: The Centre Manager will keep the committee notified of expenditure outside of the normal running costs of the BYCC and the CIC and if these are going to exceed £200 they must be agreed at a meeting.

RESOLVED: If the Centre Manager needs to make an essential purchase as a matter of urgency that exceeds £200 this can be agreed by the committee via email.

Sarah Portwine and Steve Warburton had a meeting in June where Steve raised some concerns that Sarah felt should be discussed in the meeting.

Steve Warburton – this is the best committee that the centre has had but concerned about additional costs and the bar not taking enough money to sustain it. Should be projecting profit. The main income for the bar is parties and events.

Bryony Davies will be putting together a forecast but needs to speak to the manager to confirm some details.

The committee discussed a marketing plan, increased use of social media and other ways of advertising including Isle of Wight Radio. Could promote more as a wedding venue and advertise more for private hire.

  1. Date of next meeting

September (date TBC)