BYCCMeeting Minutes



TEL NO: 07756 296249/01983 873311



Meeting of the BYCC Management Committee

Held on Wednesday 7th September 2016 at Bembridge Youth and Community Centre from 7pm

Present: Theresa Martin (Chairman), Keith Cook (Vice Chairman), Carl Johnston (Treasurer), Bill Bristow, Sally Pigot, Steve Warburton, Tina Bishop, Bryony Davies and Sarah Portwine



  1. Apologies for absence

Diane Portwine, Bryan Jones and Mike Stilgoe.


  1. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting

Minutes approved and signed.


  1. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

The final profit amount from Bembridge Summer Festival was £1817.52, slightly higher then the previous year and the event was an overall success.

Bill Bristow has been appointed a Director of Bembridge Centre CIC with Companies House.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Carl Johnston reported the bank account totals as of 31st August, the BYCC account balance was £17,575 and the CIC balance was £9660. Payments for Bembridge Summer Festival were made in June and August and the PayPal total of approximately £800 was transferred into the CIC account in August. Starlight Dance paid their outstanding invoice total of £187 on 31st August having received a text from Steve Warburton. The committee will not accept a hirer not making a payment for 5 months so in the future if a hirer does not pay an invoice within 30 days there will be a stricter pursuit of payment.


  1. BYCC Events

Sarah Portwine reported a successful Festival of Sport on 21st August and outlined the following events for the remainder of 2016:

Saturday 17th September – Start of Season Party for Bembridge Football Club

Friday 28th October – Quiz Night

Saturday 29th October – Halloween Horror (Bryony Davies and Carl Johnston will judge this year’s fancy dress competitions)

Friday 4th November – Fireworks Night

This year’s fireworks event will be from 6:30 – 8:30pm with fireworks at 7:30pm. There will be food stalls outside and a DJ on the terrace. The BYCC will have a soft drinks gazebo by the cellar door and the bar will be open as usual. SIA staff and first aiders will be present and all stewards will be required to wear hi-viz jackets and help to collect donations on the night. Steve Warburton suggested putting collection buckets on the counter at the CO-OP in October and a discussion was had about selling glow sticks and similar products to raise funds for the BYCC.

Saturday 17th December – Bembridge Christmas Fair

Friday 23rd December – Christmas Quiz with Santa

Saturday 31st December – New Year’s Eve Party


A discussion was had about resurrecting Bembridge Carnival with the BYCC organising the float that would participate in the other carnivals. Sarah Portwine has a contact on Shanklin carnival committee who will provide further details as to what is required and this will be discussed at the next meeting.


  1. 5 Year Plan

Sarah Portwine reported meeting with three architects to obtain quotes for the extension and additional works to the BYCC. Quotes have been provided up to the planning stage from architects ERMC, Matthew Jones and Gian Giblett. ERMC estimated the construction value at approximately £540,000 and quoted approximately £10,000 to provide services up to and including the planning stage of the project. Gian Giblett and Matthew Jones both quoted approximately £3,000 for the same service. Sarah Portwine recommended Matthew Jones for the project as he has experience working with committees and completing charity projects with grant funding. A discussion was had about the feasibility of the project and where funding would be obtained.

RESOLVED: The BYCC management committee will employ Matthew D Jones Architectural Services for the 5 year plan project at the BYCC.


  1. Any other business

Tina Bishop asked the committee to approve spending £150 on a petanque scoreboard and floodlight fixings.

RESOLVED: The BYCC management committee approved spending £150 on a petanque scoreboard and floodlight fixings.

Sally Pigot asked if Island Roads were aware of the fireworks event and would therefore not cause any obstructions. Sarah Portwine reported that Emma Goldring has already made them aware of this event.

Steve Warburton asked what was happening about filling the treasurer’s position and Carl Johnston reported that he was still undertaking the role and would continue to do so until the AGM with the assistance of the Secretary and Sarah Portwine.


  1. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 12th October at 7pm in the lounge bar.


Registered Charity Number 1112018