TEL NO: 07756 296249/01983 873311
Meeting of the BYCC Management Committee
Held on Wednesday 6th July 2016 at Bembridge Youth and Community Centre from 7pm
Present: Theresa Martin (Chairman), Keith Cook (Vice Chairman), Diane Portwine (Secretary), Carl Johnston (Treasurer), Bill Bristow, Sally Pigot, Steve Warburton, Bryan Jones, Ken Marston and Sarah Portwine
- Apologies for absence
Tina Bishop, Bryony Davies and Mike Stilgoe.
- Approval of the minutes from the last meeting
Minutes approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Sarah Portwine is meeting with another architect on 13th July to obtain a third quote for the 5 year plan.
- Treasurer’s Report
Carl Johnston reported that June has been a poor month for the CIC but the BYCC showed a profit. Sarah Portwine stated that two functions were cancelled in June and IOW Festival weekend is always poor for the bar hence the low turnover for the CIC in June. Carl Johnston reported that expenditure for the BYCC in July will include two service invoices from Wightfire and a payment for a PPL licence which is another form of PRS licence that the BYCC will have to pay annually. Carl Johnston stated that he will have to resign as treasurer due to his work commitments but Diane Portwine offered to help with the treasurers responsibilities so the resignation will be a gradual transition.
- Bembridge Summer Festival
Sarah Portwine outlined the plan for Bembridge Summer Festival including expenditure and projected income. Committee members have been emailed regarding voluntary requirements for the day. Banners have been put up in the village, flyers will go in all the CO-OP County Press’s on Friday 8th July and collection buckets have been put on the shop counters. An advert was included in the County Press on 1st July and will be in the 8th July issue and included in a feature about the event on 15th July. First aid and security has been booked for the day and wristbands will be sold at two entrance points. The BYCC games will include a coconut shy, a football target game and hook-a-duck. Due to the type of prizes donated the silent auction will be replaced with a grand prize draw. There is arena entertainment all day until 6:30pm when there will be a band on the terrace and then DJ’s in the hall from 8pm. The BYCC has a temporary event notice allowing the event to continue until 1am but the plan is to end at midnight. There was a discussion about the requirements for the PA system as there is no stage this year, Steve Warburton and Bill Bristow will have a practice run with the PA equipment on Friday 15th July in the hall.
- Any other business
Bill Bristow raised the issue of Bembridge Cricket Club being sponsored by the Village Inn and how this has taken business away from the bar as the cricket team will now be drinking at the pub after matches. Ken Marston stated that the cricket team would still use the bar after matches. Bill Bristow continued to question Ken Marston about the decision to accept the sponsorship and how he felt this is a conflict of interest concerning Ken Marston’s position as a director of the CIC and disappointing as the cricket club have always been granted use of the BYCC facilities free of charge. Ken Marston stated that he did not feel that the BYCC has ever indicated that they would sponsor Bembridge Cricket Club. Sarah Portwine responded by stating that the BYCC had offered to pay £150 towards the cricket clubs pitch fees at a meeting in early 2015 but as the fees had been paid by someone else the offer was not accepted. Theresa Martin and Diane Portwine expressed their disappointment that the cricket club had not come to the BYCC for sponsorship. Steve Warburton questioned the importance of the type of sponsorship the village sports clubs accept. Sarah Portwine asked that Ken Marston return the key to the BYCC if Bembridge Cricket Club no longer uses the facilities.
RESOLVED: Ken Marston resigned from the BYCC management committee and resigned as a director of Bembridge Centre CIC.
Ken Marston left the meeting.
Steve Warburton asked Bryan Jones if he had looked into a route for a fun run which had been discussed between committee members after the previous meeting. Bryan Jones reported that he has looked at a few possibilities and a discussion was had about the type of route and additional activities in the park to coincide with the fun run which would be a fundraising event for the BYCC.
RESOLVED: Bryan Jones will plan a route for a fun run and report back at the next meeting.
Sarah Portwine reported a request from Bembridge Football Club for continued sponsorship from the BYCC. The BYCC sponsored BFC £600 for the 2015/16 season and next season the club requires approximately £3,300 to run three teams.
RESOLVED: The BYCC will sponsor Bembridge Football Club £600 for the 2016/17 season.
- Date of next meeting
Wednesday 21st September at 7pm in the lounge bar.
Registered Charity Number 1112018