Meeting Minutes 21st October 2015

BYCCMeeting Minutes



TEL NO: 07756 296249/01983 873311

Meeting of the Management Committee

Held on Wednesday 21st October 2015 at Bembridge Youth and Community Centre from 7pm

Present: Theresa Martin (Chairman), Keith Cook (Vice Chairman), Diane Portwine (Secretary), Carl Johnston (Treasurer), Bill Bristow, Steve Warburton, Ken Marston, Tina Bishop, Bryony Davies, Bryan Jones and Sarah Portwine

  1. Apologies for absence

Sally Pigot

  1. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting

Minutes approved and signed by Theresa Martin.

  1. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Keith Cook is still waiting for additional defibrillator signs to put up in the changing rooms and by the front door.

The 5 year plan questionnaire has been delivered to the majority of homes in Bembridge (approximately 1300) and so far 60 have been returned.

The Parish Asset Grant for the exterior lighting and signage has been approved by the Parish Council.

The weekly hirer who was behind with payments has now paid the arrears in full and her account is up to date. Steve Warburton suggested clarifying who will be taking over the classes as she is due to have a baby soon. Carl Johnston will continue to invoice her monthly

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The monthly accounts for September have been emailed to the committee and the performance is good with the CIC showing a profit and the BYCC showing a small loss due to the purchase of a new hot water boiler for the kitchen.  The annual accounts for the last financial year have been emailed to the committee and Bryony Davies will check these and report back to the committee before they are signed off and forwarded to the Charity’s Commission and Companies House by the end of October.  The financial year dates for the CIC need to be altered with Companies House as well as a Community Interest Company Report completed.  Bryony Davies and Carl Johnston will liaise with Klark Phelan to ensure that deadlines are met.

  1. Staff Pay Review

Sarah Portwine left the meeting while the staff pay review was discussed.

Staff will be notified in writing of any changes to pay or hours.

  1. Bembridge Christmas Fair

Dave Betteridge needs to confirm if he requires a generator and may have a snow machine the carol singers can use whilst singing in the village.  Keith Cook and Theresa Martin will accompany the carol singers around the village, starting at Lane End shops and then visiting The Limes, Inver House and The Elms.  Sarah Portwine will contact the residential homes and confirm the timetable for the carol singers.  Steve Warburton suggested also visiting Silver Sands Court so Sarah Portwine will contact them as well.  The committee approved the purchase of 150 presents for Santa’s Grotto and £80 for a children’s entertainer and snow machine to be used outside the entrance to the hall.  The committee also agreed to ask local clubs like BYFC if they wish to have stalls in the hall again.

Sarah Portwine asked Bill Bristow to ask the Village Partnership if they would provide the Christmas tree outside the BYCC this year and put up the outside lights.

Steve Warburton is donating all the money raised from the Welcome store carrier bag scheme in October and November which he currently predicts will be around £579.

  1. Any other business

Carl Johnston asked if the committee wished to proceed with obtaining a system for card payments, specifically for the CIC using PayPal.  A discussion was had about the best system for the bar, costs involved and whether a minimum amount or charge need be applied to purchases.

RESOLVED: Carl Johnston will purchase a card payment system from PayPal at a cost of £59.

Steve Warburton and Sarah Portwine will install the card payment system for the bar by 1st December.

Diane Portwine has registered the BYCC with Community Action Wight so DBS checks can be carried out if necessary.  Mike Stilgoe will apply for a DBS check as he runs the Karate Club at the BYCC.

Sarah Portwine asked the committee if they wish to renew the BYCC membership with Bembridge Business Association.

RESOLVED: The BYCC will not renew its membership of the BBA.

  1. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 9th December 2015 at 7pm in the BYCC lounge