Meeting Minutes 29th July 2015

BYCCMeeting Minutes


TEL NO: 07756 296249/01983 873311







Meeting of the Management Committee

Held on Wednesday 29th July 2015 at Bembridge Youth and Community Centre from 7pm

Present: Theresa Martin (Chairperson), Keith Cook (Vice Chairperson), Diane Portwine (Secretary), Sally

Pigot, Tina Bishop, Sarah Portwine and Bryony Davies

  1. Apologies for absence

Carl Johnston Steve Warburton Ken Marston

Bill Bristow

Bryan Jones

  1. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting

Minutes approved and signed by Theresa Martin.

  1. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Keith Cook has submitted the forms for the defibrillator grant scheme from the Red Cross, these

can take up to 12 weeks to process. The grant scheme offers a defibrillator and training in its use for

10 people at a reduced cost of £400.

Diane Portwine has circulated an updated version of the Financial Regulations which have been approved via email.

Sarah Portwine has only received an email from one committee member concerning the

questionnaire for the 5 year plan and asked for other committee members to forward their ideas via email.

Sarah Portwine has sold one table tennis table and is following up an enquiry for the second table.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Carl Johnston has emailed committee members the accounts for the BYCC and CIC year to date but not a monthly breakdown for June.

A discussion was had about the BYCC accounts for 2014/2015 as the folders have not been

returned to the office and may still be with the accountant. The committee also discussed the CIC accounts for 2014/2015 and the transfer of funds from the CIC to the BYCC. Bryony Davies suggested adding a management fee to the CIC accounts for 2014/2015 for tax purposes which would need to be discussed with the accountant Klark Phelan.

RESOLVED: Tina Bishop will contact Klark Phelan and arrange a meeting with Carl Johnston and

Bryony Davies to finalise the accounts for the BYCC and CIC 2014/2015.


  1. Bembridge Summer Festival

Theresa Martin thanked Sarah Portwine for organising another successful summer festival and Sarah Portwine thanked the committee for all their help on the day. Bembridge Summer Festival made approximately £1600 profit for the BYCC which is slightly less than last year (approximately

£300 less) but that has been attributed to cold evening weather and a number of other functions in the village that night. Plans for next year include changing the advertising so the evening and day’s events are more clearly defmed and offering a broader selection of food vendors. It has also been suggested that the event fmish at 11pm if the Parish Council and Spyder are in agreement. Tina Bishop suggested attendees could picnic in the park and there should be more food and drinks offered to the volunteers. A discussion was also had about different types ofBYCC games stalls.

  1. Any other business

The Festival of Sport will be held in the park on Sunday 23rd August from 1pm- 6pm with a range of sports demonstrations and activities. This year a ‘mini zone’ will be included for younger children and Sarah Portwine asked the committee to approve spending £150 on games for the mini zone including mini cricket, garden archery, space hoppers and giant snakes and ladders as well as medals for the children participating in the event.

RESOLVED: Sarah Portwine will purchase games and medals for the Festival of Sport at a cost of


The skateboarding lessons with Wight Trash were never confirmed by them so have not gone ahead but Sarah Portwine has booked Steve Hunt to run football training for children on four Saturdays in August at a cost of £20 per hour and the children pay £2 per hour to attend (as last year).

Bryony Davies reported that the petanque team would like to have a cover on the petanque terrain when it is not in use for long periods and the committee discussed the proposal.

RESOLVED: A cover for the petanque terrain will not be purchased but the committee agree to purchase more dust for the terrain if required.

Bryony Davies would like to join the BYCC management committee, proposed by Tina Bishop and seconded by Theresa Martin.

RESOLVED: Bryony Davies is a member of the BYCC management committee.

  1.   Date of next meeting

Wednesday 16th September 2015 at 7pm in the BYCC lounge